Did You Miss Me?

July 2019…turns out that was the last time I posted a blog! In my head I’ve been blogging daily, weekly, loads of times in fact so why didn’t it make it to my blog? Well, I’m not going to bore you with the story of my life but I shall say, I”M BACK!

Schools all over the world are in lockdown and the UK is no exception. We are in week four and I’ve been busy working with our English faculty members, the wonderful ‘Secondary School Librarians’ Facebook group I belong to, plus I’ve been reading and saving links left right and centre. The dilemma was how to share all this stuff that was coming at me from all directions and make it meaningful and useful to our students in their homes.

Inspired by another librarian, I decided to sign up to Padlet. You can pay for it or do like I did and take advantage of their free option which means you can create three Padlets without any cost.

I made one for students…

Made with Padlet

I made one for our English faculty

Made with Padlet

I made one for general use by all staff

Made with Padlet

Feel free to copy and make them your own, just credit me with the original please. I’d love to hear from you, do you like the Padlets, have you created anything to share, what do you think of the links?

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